


Bernstein, A., Merrilees, J., Dulaney, S., Harrison, K., Chiong, W., Ong, P., Heunis, J., Choi, J., Walker, R., Feuer, J.E., Lee, K., Dohan, D., Bonasera, S.J., Miller, B.L., Possin, K.L. (2020). Using care navigation to address caregiver burden in dementia: a qualitative case study analysis. Translational Research Clinical Interventions. Advance online publication

The researchers approached this study using three selected cases. Qualitative methods such as interviews were used to gather data. Guilt, frustration, patient-related behavior, depression, and the relationship between the person living with dementia and the caregivers were the focus points for intervention. Interventions offered by care navigators were provided over the phone and internet. The interventions were tailored to the needs of both the caregiver and the person living with dementia. This study demonstrated a role for engaged non-clinical individuals to address issues related caregiver burden. Further, the importance of properly identifying the needs of both the caregiver and the person living with dementia and meeting them with tailored interventions were documented. The authors are primarily from the University of Southern California. This article may be of interest to Geriatric Care Managers and family caregivers.

Devos, P., Aletta, F., Thomas, P., Petrovic, M., Mynsbrugge, T.V., Van de Velde, D., De Vriendt, P., Botteldooren, D. (2019). Designing supportive soundscapes for nursing home residents with dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 4904.

This research explores opportunities to impact mood in individuals with dementia, such as feeling of safety, with specific sound stimuli. The influence of voice and music are discussed along with considerations around altered auditory cognition due to dementia. Their study shows that changes in mood, feelings of safety, and responses can be the result of soundscape design. The researchers are from Belgium and have studied in the areas of occupational therapy, internal medicine, and information technology. This article maybe of interest to recreational and occupational therapists.

Gerritsen, D.L., van Beek, A.P.A., Woods. R.T., (2019). Relationship of care staff attitudes with social well-being and challenging behavior of nursing home residents with dementia: a cross sectional study. Aging and Mental Health, 23(11), 1517-1523.

Staff who had hopeful attitudes across 15 facilities resulted in residents with less challenging behavior and more social well-being. The staff included nurses, aides, recreational therapists, and health care educators. The researchers are with the institute for health services research in the Netherlands where the quantitative study was conducted. This article might be of interests to educators and administrators in long term care facilities.

Hawkins, B.L., Ramshaw, G., Hooker T., & Walker, K., (2020). Creating football memory
teams: development and evaluation of a football-themed reminiscence therapy program.
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 54(1), 32-47.

This article focuses on the benefits of a themed reminiscence, which is a non-pharmacological intervention therapy program for individuals with dementia receiving assisted living services. The reminiscence therapy sessions included going to the game, stadiums, tailgating, famous games, famous people, and traditions. Measure of quality of life and cognition were used to evaluate the program. Statistically significant improvements were found inequality of life. The researchers are all from Clemson University. Their program and findings will be especially useful to certified therapeutic recreation specialists.

Kim, D., (2020). The effects of a recollection-based occupational therapy program on Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized controlled trial. Occupational Therapy International, 2020, 1-8

A statistically significant difference was found in cognitive function, reduced depression, and enhanced quality of life for individuals experiencing mild stage Alzheimer’s Disease after participating in an occupational therapy program. The experimental group was compared toa control group participating in the normal day to day activity program provided at a daycare center. The occupational therapy program focused on non-pharmacological interventions including horticulture, physical activities, music, art, and instrumental activities of daily living. The 24 sessions were limited to an hour each but were held 5 times a week, the author is an occupational therapist and researcher at Cheongju university in South Korea. This article will be of interest to recreation therapist, and occupational therapists as well as family care partners.

Klimova, B., Toman, J., Kuca, K. (2019). Effectiveness of the dog therapy for patients with dementia-a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry 19, 276,

The researchers selected 107 articles using specific criterion to screen. Six were used for the qualitative synthesis. Most of the data for the studies was collected in Scandinavian countries along with the United States, and Italy. The studies focused on behavior, cognitive function, physical health, and balance. Patients appeared calm content and relaxed with a dog. Feelings of depression agitation, aggression, and anxiety were reduced. The researchers are from the Czech Republic. This research may be of interest to recreation therapists, administrators, and family caregivers.

Lee K., Puga F., Pickering, CEZ., Masoud, S.S., White, C.L., (2019). Transitioning into a caregiver role following a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia: A scoping review International Journal of Nursing Studies (2019).

Twenty nine studies were reviewed having a variety of methodologies, study locations, and findings. This manuscript describes the challenges identified across 23 studies, initial reactions across 9 studies, emotional responses across 14 studies, changes in relationship and responsibility across 6 studies , the need for information across 14 studies, support across 11studies, interventions across 5 studies, assistance in planning care across 7 studies. The authors have backgrounds in nursing and hold faculty positions at the university level. This manuscript would be of interest to researchers and to personal and professional caregivers seeking to understand common experiences in the process of transitioning into a caregiver role through numerous studies.

Levy, J.A. (2013). Activities to do with your parent who has Alzheimer’s dementia. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform.
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This book is a collection of defined activities a caregiver may implement with an individual diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. While the activity suggestions are for the most part simple, excellent implementation suggestions are given. Implementation expenses would below and access to supplies easy. The author is an experienced occupational therapist and has family caregiving experience as well. This book is a good choice for professional caregivers in a daycare or long term care setting or to family caregivers seeking to enhance the day to day experience of their loved one.

Mace, N.L. & Rabins, P.V. (1981). The 36 -Hour Day. The John Hopkins University Press.
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The 36-hour day serves as a guide for both health care professionals and family caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementias. Behaviors, the search for medical help, activities of daily living, self- care, and living arrangements are a few of the important topics addressed. Important financial and legal information are included in the comprehensive work. This publication has a 30 year history of providing useful information to family care partners. An attempt is made to provide information with the goal of improving the lives of those living with dementia and their care partners. The authors include a physician and a medical assistant who offer practical advice and case examples to support the reader on their difficult path through dementia. This book is ideal for the newly diagnosed and family members of individuals newly diagnosed with the disease.

McGrattan, A.M., McGuiness, B., McKinley, M.C., Kee, F., Passmore, P., Woodside, J.V., McEvoy, C.T. (2019). Diet and inflammation in cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Current Nutrition Reports 8:53-65.

The researchers discuss the growing evidence that anti-inflammatory diets may have a protective effect related to cognitive decline in elders. Most research attention in around the Mediterranean diet and the dash diet. They suggest that using neuroimaging in related studies would advance understanding of the effects of dietary modifications in the ageing brain. The researchers are primarily from the queens university in Belfast. This article might be of interest to geriatric physicians, gerontologist, individuals living with dementia and their caregivers.

Newmark, A. and Geiger, T. (2014). Chicken Soup for the Soul Living with Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias. Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing.
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This book includes 101 short stories regarding Alzheimer’s caregiving experiences. The themes include, but are not limited to, humor, children, grandparents, acceptance, empathy, strategies, choices, and making connections. The stories are written by many caregivers expressing their unique and heartfelt experiences with great authority. Because they are true stories written by caregivers, they have the potential to provide comfort to the reader. The individual stories are short and therefore perfect for the life of a busy family or professional caregiver. The collection is assembled in a thoughtful and professional manner and may serve as comfort and education to family and professional care partners. This work is well placed as a support for both family and professional caregivers.

Orsulic-Jeras, S., Whitlatch, C.J., Szabo, S.M., Shelton, E.G., Johnson, J. (2019). The SHARE program for dementia: implementation of an early-stage dyadic care-planning intervention. Dementia 18(1). 360-379. https://doi:10.1177/1471301216673455

The investigators review a share (support, health, activities, resources, and education) intervention to facilitate care-planning using the input from persons living with dementia in the early stage and their family caregivers. Persons living with dementia were willing and able to reveal their care values and preferences, which the family caregivers then acknowledged. Benefit themes included education, communication, support, resources, satisfaction and care-planning. The researchers are from Cleveland State University, department of psychology and the Benjamin Rose institute on aging. This article may be of interest to newly diagnosed individuals and their family care-givers.

Schulz, R., Beach, S.R., Czaja, S.J., Martire, L.M., & Monin, J.K.(2020). Family caregiving for older adults. Annual Review of Psychology 2020, 71, 635-659.

This article reviews the interest of psychologists in caregiver issues. The authors review the literature around the impact caregiving may have on the caregiver and a review of various interventions researched. These reviews provide the latest insights into what the current literature reveals as impactful. The authors refer to three groups of caregivers but focuses on middle age adults, primarily women, caring for older adults. A review of the trajectory of caregiving, neglect, and risk factors for adverse outcomes also shine a light for professionals serving family caregivers. The authors come from the University of Pittsburgh, Cornell University, the Pennsylvania State University and Yale University. This article is well placed as information for those serving caregivers but may be of interest to others.

Sheung-Tak, C., Mak, E., Lua,R.W., Ng,N.S., Lam, L.C., (2016). Voices of Alzheimer caregivers on positive aspects of caregiving. The Gerontologist 56(3) 451-460.

Fifty-seven primary caregivers from Hong Kong, providing at least 14 hours of care per week provided data for this study. Over an 8 week period of time they audio recorded positive aspects of their caregiving activities. The data revealed ten general areas or themes such as feelings of gratitude, a sense of purpose, an increase in their patience, and learning to let go for example. Finding positive themes in the experience of Alzheimer’s caregiving isuseful in treating negative outcomes of caregiving. The authors suggest there is a need to develop strategies to promote the positive aspects of caregiving. The authors hold advanced degrees and from the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This article may be of interest to Alzheimers family caregivers as well as clergy, social workers, and counselors.

Shinae, C., Minjung, K., McDonough, I.M. (2019). Do older adults with Alzheimer’s disease engage in estate planning and advance care planning preparation? Aging and Mental Health, 23:7 872-879,

The authors analyzed 10,273 individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s over the age of 65within the united states. They used the 2012 health and retirement study. They had an interest in advanced care planning including a durable power of attorney for health care, a written living will, and a valid will. They detail that a durable power of attorney for healthcare and a written living will, were significantly associated with a diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. It was interesting that factors such as being male, a minority, and having a lower socioeconomic status influenced engagement in advanced care planning activities. This article might be of interest to individuals with early stage Alzheimer’s Disease and family care partners as well as attorneys, social workers, and physicians. The authors are educated at the ph. D. Level and are well published.

Stuckey, J.C. (1998). The church’s response to Alzheimer’s disease. The Journal of Applied Gerontological Society. 1998, 17, 25-37.

The participants in this study were interviewed to investigate if churches were meeting the social and spiritual needs of those impacted by Alzheimer’s Disease. One of the most valuable pieces of information in the article was a guideline for responding to the needs of caregivers in the congregation. It was found that when properly prepared churches can and do offer valuable support. The author holds a ph. D. And is with messiah college. This article would be valuable to those seeking sources of support for themselves or their clients.